Contest! (And my short story entry at the end)


Over at So Many Books, So Little Time, So Here's Mine

There is a fantastic contest running; here are the rules;

The Fun Contest/Challenge
1. In 10 sentences or less write a short story in the genre of choice.
Please include what genre it is.
2. Enter the story in the comments below and please INCLUDE your email address.
3. Like our FB Page So Many Books, So Little Time, So Here’s Mine
4. The more entries we have the more fun it will be so please repost in Twitter, FB or your blog and mention where you did.
Contest Ends
May 7th at 10pm EST

Here is mine

She sat in the corner of the room, looking out of the window into the foggy, frigid world. It had been like this for days now, giving her no chance of escape. Her plan had been well thought out, on the first day of the festival, which had been two days ago, she would have sneaked out of the mansion and joined the revellers. In the midst of the crowd she would catch a boat to her parent’s island, they would be shocked to see her, as they had probably though her dead for the past four years. But no, she had been here in the Lord’s mansion, just another of his play-things.
She heard a noise as the doors opened and looked up as a tall man with a pointed nose and thick eyebrows walked in,
“My dear, I am disappointed in you. I thought you were happy here, I thought you didn’t want to escape, but I hear you telling your plan to one of the maids. Never mind though, I can always find a new toy,” He looked out of the window, contemplating something, “Perfect weather for an execution, don’t you think?”

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